Rainbow Catholics InterAgency for Ministry - Australia
Who We Are
Our Ministry
We are a pastoral interagency supporting pastoral worker, pastoral leaders and pastoral organizers in the Australian Catholic church.
Affirmed by our Christian faith and supported by Catholic Social Teaching, the primary purpose of the Rainbow Catholics InterAgency for Ministry is to build relationships, to promote dialogue, to pray and to educate the Catholic community in Australia. We work to advocate for recognition of the full equality and for justice with LGBTIQ Catholics, their families and friends in the Catholic Church and in our larger community.
Through an interagency approach in which each Catholic organization and group member is in an active ministry with LGBTIQ Catholic Christians, we celebrate the gifts, the experiences, the wholeness and the achievements and the journeys of LGBTQIA+ members of our Catholic communities, affirming their faith, sexuality, gender identity and intersex status. We work towards ending homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, intersex erasure in our church and in our communities where discrimination, exclusion and prejudice occurs.
Ongoing Work
Bringing Change
Australian Catholic LGBTQIA+ Pastoral Survey
Mapping our realities and support network
We would like to learn and understand what are the stories, experiences and issues faced by our LGBTQIA+ Catholic sisters, brothers and siblings as well as their families, friends, colleagues and allies. This will give us as a collective grassroots interagency a better idea of the realities and the support they're creating, providing or receiving in Australia. So if you are interested in taking part or supporting this survey in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Australian National Rainbow Catholic
Pastoral Care Guide
Pastoral Care with LGBTIQA+ Catholics in the 21st Century
A living document prepared by Rainbow Catholics interAgency for Ministry (RCiA) to identify and explore ways the Catholic family might include LGBTIQA+ Catholics, their families and friends in a conversation about their Pastoral Care. This document aims to offer support for and integration of an approach to pastoral care with LGBTIQA+ people in the Catholic context. We build on the work of international Catholic theologians, pastoral practitioners and organistaions such as John J McNeill, Jeannine Gramick, James Martin, Robert Nugent and James Alison, DignityUSA, LGBTI Catholics Westminster and New Ways Ministry, and Australian pastoral practitioners and organisations including Garry Pye and Acceptance. We hope it will offer support for those seeking to create more inclusive, Gospel-centred and just spaces in the Catholic church in ways of thinking and acting.
We hope it will generate further discussion and action. We see it as a starting point in a developing work that will continue to grow as we reflect upon the gospel and effective and creative pastoral care practices.
"God's love calls us to move beyond fear. We ask God for the courage to put on faith, hope and love as we go out into the world and become the word in body as well as spirit."
Pope Francis
Upcoming Events
- Sat, 02 MayLocation is TBD02 May 2020, 8:30 am AEST – 03 May 2020, 1:35 am AESTLocation is TBD02 May 2020, 8:30 am AEST – 03 May 2020, 1:35 am AESTLocation is TBDIn caring for others, LGBTQIA + Ally Christian organizers, advocates, activists and leaders often have to deal with much violence and abuse from all quarters, this retreat intends to provide a nourishing time and space to reinvigorate the spark within us.
- Sat, 01 FebSydney01 Feb 2020, 2:30 pm AEDT – 02 Feb 2020, 5:00 pm AEDTSydney, Sydney NSW Australia01 Feb 2020, 2:30 pm AEDT – 02 Feb 2020, 5:00 pm AEDTSydney, Sydney NSW AustraliaAs part of the 2020 National Symposium, there will be a special forum in the afternoon with Sr Susan Connelly rsj that will explore on the way scapegoating deflects issues and anesthetises communities against systemic erasure, invisibility and discrimination.
- Fri, 31 JanSydney31 Jan 2020, 7:00 pm AEDT – 01 Feb 2020, 5:00 pm AEDTSydney, Sydney NSW, Australia31 Jan 2020, 7:00 pm AEDT – 01 Feb 2020, 5:00 pm AEDTSydney, Sydney NSW, Australia“I am about to do a new thing” - Growing Catholic LGBTIQA+ Pastoral Care. This national symposium will consider the religious, spiritual, social and political context in which LGBTQIA+ Catholics, their families and friends live in 2020. It has been over 30 years since a conference of such was held.